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Furreto Linux

Arch Linux made easy

Welcome to Furreto Linux!


Please, go use Arch Linux instead, if you know how to install it, at least.
Furreto Linux was made as some sort of experiment, on how would it feel to actually make an OS, even if it's based on another one. I made this "OS" just for my own knowledge, as I wanted to know how to do it, and how to even use archiso. Furreto Linux is actually a pretty great choice if you just want to use a Linux distro that just works, without having to go through that archinstall hell, or even installing it manually.

Furreto Linux

Welcome to the official website of Furreto Linux.

What is Furreto Linux?

Furreto Linux is an Arch Linux based Linux distribution aimed to be easy to use and ready out of the box. Whether it's for gaming, professional use, editing, etc.

Furreto Linux is a user-friendly distribution built on top of Arch Linux. Designed to be intuitive and accessible, Furreto Linux has been made with the purpose of making it easy to use, ready to be used in a few clicks and ready out of the box, whether it's for gaming, productivity, or creativity. Furreto Linux has all of that covered.

The KDE Plasma desktop environment

Furreto Linux is built using the KDE Plasma 6 desktop environment.

Plasma is a free and open-source desktop environment created by KDE, an international software community of volunteers. It has been designed to be simple by default for a smooth experience, but powerful when needed to help you really get things done.

Can I choose my own desktop environment if I do not want KDE?

Sure! Furreto Linux is a really customizable Linux distribution, you have the system in your own hands and you're free to do whatever you'd like with it!

There are lots of desktop environments you can choose, such as GNOME, LXQt, XFCE, LXDE, i3wm, bspwm, the choice is yours!

You can use the pacman package manager that Furreto uses to install another desktop environment.

Preinstalled software?

The answer to that is, no.

We have made Furreto Linux with the intention of making it the most lightweight we possibly can. This means that we will not be installing pre-installed packages or software on the system. Furreto Linux comes only with KDE Plasma pre-installed and its utilities, it will only have Firefox preinstalled.


Furreto Linux has an in-built package selection in case you want to install Furreto Linux with some apps of your choice! This is a feature of our modified installer, however this is optional. If you just want to have a solid Furreto Linux installation with only KDE Plasma installed, then you're free to do so!

Our in-built package selection feature empowers users to customize their Furreto Linux experience from the outset. Whether you're a gamer, developer, designer, or simply have specific software preferences, our modified installer makes it easy to create a personalized Furreto Linux environment tailored to your requirements.

However, it's important to note that this package selection feature is entirely optional. If you prefer a streamlined Furreto Linux experience with only the essentials, fear not – our installer allows you to opt for a solid Furreto Linux installation with just the KDE Plasma desktop environment. This minimalist approach ensures a clean, efficient system, perfect for users who prioritize simplicity and performance.

This package selector includes the following categories:

  • Communications: Communications software, such as, web chat applications, etc.
  • NVIDIA: NVIDIA Linux drivers, you might wanna use these drivers only if you have a NVIDIA GPU as these are the actual stable drivers for Linux
  • Graphics: Graphical apps, applications such as Krita, GIMP, KolourPaint, etc.
  • Gaming: Gaming software! Such as Steam, Lutris, etc.
  • Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous apps, utility apps, yeah you get the point. These could be support for the Windows apps (Wine), VLC, Gwenview, etc.
  • Terminal apps: Fun applications that are meant to be used in the terminal, this could be neofetch, cmatrix, lolcat, cowsay, sl, etc.
  • IDE: Development environments! Such as neovim, VS Code, IntelliJ IDEA, and many more!

User-friendly interface

Furreto Linux comes with a pre-installed welcome application that has some utilities that can make things a lot easier, this application has been made by us with the purpose of making the pacman package manager easier to use. And also to give some information about Furreto and such.

This application will show up at the first login of a new recently created user. This means that you will only see this once after installing the system, however, this application is easy to be found on the application launcher.
Just search up for the "Furreto Linux Welcome Center"

This application comes with lots of functionalities, such as...

  • Updating your system
  • Updating AUR packages
  • Installing and updating applications or packages
  • A quick shortcut to the KDE Plasma welcome center

If you do not wish to have this application on your system, you can easily uninstall it by doing

sudo pacman -R furreto-welcome-app

Installing the system

Furreto Linux uses the Calamares installer by default, the Calamares installer is a user-friendly installer that will guide you through the installation, it is well documented and designed. Thanks to Calamares you'll get Furreto Linux working in a few minutes, the installer will ask you things like, where are you from, how many packages you want to optionally install, what's your keyboard layout, how would you like to make the partitions, what username would you like to set, and at the end it will give you a quick summary about what's going to happen and what's going to be installed.

We have made Furreto Linux with the purpose of making it easy to use, and easy to get it working

Why "Furreto Linux"?

Well, I guess I just wanted a name that truly represented me :P